This too shall pass
if you've noticed, I've been digging a little into how your emotional and mental side can affect your lung health (and overall health too). One thing to remember though, no matter what you are going through - good times or times of struggle, this too shall pass. I am learning to cherish the good times, to put as much energy into and "dwell" on them as much as (if not more than) I do the times of struggle and heartache. Have you ever thought about that? I mean, putting in as much energy into the times that bring you joy and happiness as much as the times that bring you down?
What do you think could support you to be present to the joys in your life on a day to day basis? How can you step into happiness, even when you are in a time of sadness or struggle, to be "unsinkable"? For me, I have created a gratitude journal that I write in daily. I also meditate using the Brain Tap system and pray more than once a day - including the ho'oponopono prayer. I do emotion code on myself to let go of things I had no idea I was still holding onto and I receive healing work from other practitioners. I connect with people that are high vibration and always seem to be in a place of joy even if they are experiencing difficulties. I seek guidance and support from people that have seen struggles and persevered. I also focus on forgiveness...for myself and others. Forgiveness is the gateway to self love and self love is the highest form of love we can have...if we can truly love ourselves, loving others is so much easier.
Now, I don't want you to think that I am saying it's not ok to feel bad, sad, angry, or grieve. You've got to feel the emotions, as raw and painful as some may be, and then release what doesn't serve you so you can move forward. It's healthy (and necessary) to allow yourself to go through this process, and sometimes that process seems to take forever... At the same time, celebrate your wins along the way - no matter how small they may seem. The first hour you didn't cry, the first day you smiled all day, the first week you felt free again... In a month, you will be amazed at the growth you have experienced.
I know that you may be asking why am I touching on what your commitment this year is for yourself...or how grief and sadness affect your lungs and health...or why today's message? Well, all in all, we are divinely connected to every aspect of ourselves (mind, body, spirit) and when one is "off" it affects the other areas. It's like a three legged stool, without one leg, the stool will fall over. Are you "falling over" and not even realizing it?
Which leg do you feel you need to focus on to support your overall health and wellness? Are all three areas lacking? What one thing can you do TODAY that will support one leg of your stool? Can you commit to doing it for 21 days straight and create a habit of it? Are you willing to see how adding in or changing one small habit can change your life?
I want to hear what area you want to focus on and what you are committed to creating for YOURSELF TODAY and the next 21 days - because at the end of the day, this too shall pass and by investing in yourself you will be supporting YOU when times are tough and creating joy even when you feel like you can't. Respond to this email or share in the Breathe Easy, Breathe Well Facebook Community by clicking the FB icon below.
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Yours in wellness,
Dawn Encian
Knead Total Wellness
Eating for and Living in Total Wellness
Host of Breathe Easy, Breathe Well Virtual Summit
Dawn Encian - Knead Total Wellness, 10401 Courthouse Rd., Spotsylvania, VA 22553, United States
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