I hope your week has started off well. I have had many people ask me for exercises that support respiratory health so I thought I could start with a few this week and add on in the next newsletter.
If you already utilize these or begin to incorporate them into your wellness routine, I'd love to hear how they support you.
There are many exercises you can do to improve respiratory health. Here are a few examples:
Diaphragmatic breathing: Also known as belly breathing, involves breathing deeply from the diaphragm, rather than shallowly from the chest. To practice, lie on your back with your hands on your belly. Breathe in deeply through your nose, feeling your belly rise as you inhale. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your belly fall. Repeat this for several minutes each day.
Cardiovascular exercise: Activities that get your heart rate up, such as walking quickly, running, cycling, or swimming, have been shown to support improving respiratory health by strengthening the muscles that support breathing and improving lung capacity. A word of caution, if your pulse ox or breathing is not optimal for you, I would advise to postpone this type of exercise until you are in a better state to do so.
Yoga: Certain yoga poses may support in improving respiratory health by increasing lung capacity and improving the efficiency of the respiratory system. Poses such as the Mountain pose, Cobra pose, and Warrior II pose are good options.
Resistance training: Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or resistance band exercises, can support in strengthening the muscles that support breathing and improve overall respiratory health.
Breathing exercises: Other breathing exercises, such as pursed lip breathing or alternate nostril breathing, have been shown to improve lung function and respiratory health. These exercises can be practiced for several minutes each day.
It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have respiratory issues or other health concerns.
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